Alight State College
ValidatedReal Estate and PropertyContact Information
Address 348 Blue Course Dr, State College, Pennsylvania, United States 16803
Phone(814) 752-5234
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Search Your First Student Apartment at Alight State College
Where to live is a huge decision when you're in college. It's hard to know what you want from your first apartment, and it can be tough to find the perfect place! If you don't have a lot of savings or income, it may not be wise to sign an expensive lease. It's better to wait until you can afford the rent in order to avoid potential debt later on down the road. If you're searching for student apartments in Near Penn State University visit Alight State College.
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Alight State College
ValidatedReal Estate and PropertyContact Information
Address 348 Blue Course Dr, State College, Pennsylvania, United States 16803
Phone(814) 752-5234